R.V. Towing | We Will Be There Quickly To Assist You | We Can Tow All R.V. Sizes

Traveling with an R.V. is the best! Enjoying the country at your own pace, with all comfort and carrying a lil’ bit of home. Summer is RV-time in a significant portion of America, but here in Los Angeles, California is easy to spot an R.V. almost any time of the year. However, any RV dweller can suddenly face a crisis if that beloved RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. RV roadside assistance is not easy, depending on the size, you may need a medium or heavy duty towing service (in some cases a low boy). We are ready to help.

RV Towing is a completely different task than any vehicle because these over-sized vehicles require medium or heavy-duty towing services; a flatbed tow truck wouldn’t be enough, and inexperienced people can cause harm to your RV. Don’t risk your vehicle integrity: call the pro's, call Saar Shani.
24/7 RV Towing & Roadside Assistance

A car can weight about 4000 pounds, but an RV can weight between 13000 and 30000 pounds. Moving those huge vehicles requires specialized equipment and specialized training. Saar Shani has the right kind of towing for your RV and trained drivers, who are able to transport your RV safely, without causing any damage to your vehicle and keeping the highways as safe as possible.
We are the most trusted specialist in Los Angeles, not only because of our specialized equipment but also for our professional but friendly team. We offer the best customer service in the area: you’ll be dealing with respectful drivers, who will make everything to keep your vehicle in perfect conditions. Our drivers a ready to give the extra mile in order to offer the best experience from an event that can be a real crisis. We’re here to help and provide the best services, becoming your support in those awkward moments.